My favorite place
My favorite place is mini world end. Ii it a
located in madulsima village lunugala.
Lunugala is my village a beautiful place
there is a mini world end .it is place with a
lot of tourist attractions.i go there on
holidays .It ia very beautiful there,and cold..
One of the reason i like it there is the cold.It
ia very quite place.
there are more animals
,like bird,deer , fox than people.i like to stay
there because i love animals.i like to drink
tea while facing the cold wind coming from
the mini world end.I like to stay there longer
because i like that freedome.I like to look at
the blue sky for a long time. It is really
beautiful when you look at the surrounding
from highest place.
the fresh air that comes with that cold wind
brings a wonderful relief to the body.i really
like a sing a song while playing a guitar
there.i go to the mini world end once a
mounth with my school friends.i am so
addicted to that beauty.
Many local tourists Come to the mini world
end for camping .I also when camping one
day with my friends.there is a strstrange
beauty at night.It ia a strange experience to
see the beauty arround with the unbearable